Producing Violet Dawn is a time-consuming and costly endeavor. We’re passionate about this story and we want to share it with the world. But we can only do so with your support. If you enjoy Violet Dawn, we encourage you to share it with others, post reviews, and–of course–pledge your support.
You can pledge your support in three different ways. The best way to support us is to pledge to our Violet Dawn: Exile Kickstarter project that collects the entire comic in a 100+ page hardcover graphic novel.
The Kickstarter will be live Q4 2022. To view our pre-launch website for more information and to join our mailing list so you know when the project goes live, visit
The second way to support us is to order a digital copy of the first chapter of Violet Dawn: Exile. It is currently available on DriveThruComics as a pay what you want product. To purchase it, visit

The third way to support us is to share Violet Dawn on social media. Posts on your favorite social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram are highly encouraged. Artist Louis Sollune and some of our artist friends will be sharing original sketches for Inktober leading up to the launch of our Kickstarter campaign. Share using the hashtags #VioletDawn and #SeektheDawn